Hospital Report Card
There you will find comparative information about Copley Hospital and all the Vermont hospitals, including:
- Measures of quality, including process and performance measures, that are valid, reliable, and useful, including comparisons to appropriate national benchmarks for high quality and successful results.
- Measures of patient safety that are valid, reliable, and useful, including comparisons to appropriate industry benchmarks for safety.
- Measures of hospital-acquired infections that are valid, reliable, and useful, including comparisons to appropriate industry benchmarks.
- Valid, reliable, and useful information on nurse staffing, including comparisons to appropriate industry benchmarks for safety. This information may include system-centered measures such as skill mix, nursing care hours per day, and other system-centered measures for which reliatble industry benchmarks become available.
- Measures of the hospital’s financial health, including comparisons to appropriate national benchmarks for efficient operations and financial health.
- Summary of the hospital’s budget, including revenue by source, the one-year and four-year capital expenditure plans, the depreciation schedule for existing facilities, and quantification of cost shifting to private payers.
- Data that provides valid, reliable, useful, and efficient information for payers and the public for the comparison of charges for higher volume health care services.