Visiting Policy

We know family members and loved ones play a key role in supporting and comforting those who are sick and ill.  Unless you have symptoms, masking is optional.  Masking is still required in certain patient care areas.  

Policy Provisions:

  • A support person, necessary for a patient to receive quality care, is always allowed to visit.
  • Visitors should not enter the hospital or clinics if they are feeling sick.
  • Only ADA covered service animals and approved therapy animals are permitted to enter the facility.
  • Masking is required in designated patient care areas including the Emergency Department and Infusion Center.
  • Visitors are allowed to visit the Copley cafeteria.
  • Staff should encourage visitors to clean their hands upon every entry/exit.
  • Exceptions to this policy may be made based on extenuating circumstances.
  • Visitation is allowed between 9:00 AM and 6:30 PM.


Inpatient /Acute Care and Emergency Department:

Medical Surgical Unit:

  • Patients are allowed two visitors at a time.
  • Pediatric patients are allowed visitation outside of visitation hours.

Patients in End of Life Care:

  • The care team will manage decisions on visitation on a case by case basis.

The Birthing Center:

  • Patients are allowed one consistent visitor and one additional visitor at a time.
  • Doulas are considered part of the patient’s care team.

Emergency Department:

  • Patients are allowed one consistent visitor at a time.
  • Exceptions will be managed on a case-by-case basis by the care team.
  • Patients and visitors are required to wear masks in the waiting area and patient rooms.

Outpatient Clinics, Lab, Radiology, Rehabilitation Services:

  • Patients are allowed one consistent visitor at a time.


  • Visitation is not allowed at this time unless it is a support person who is necessary for a patient to receive quality care.
  • Pediatric patients: are allowed one consistent visitor at a time.
  • Patients and visitors are required to wear masks.

Peri-Operative (Surgical):

  • Patients are allowed one consistent visitor in all peri-op areas.
  • Pediatric patients: Allowed two consistent visitors in all peri-op areas.
  • Exceptions will be managed on a case-by-case basis by the care team.