Volunteering at Copley
Volunteers are the lifeblood of Copley and our community. They range in age and come from all walks of life. But there is one thing they all have in common: their willingness to make a difference in the lives of others.
We are fortunate to have such a committed group of individuals. Thank you to all Copley Hospital’s volunteers; together they donate more than 10,000 hours of service annually.
We are currently seeking volunteers for the following positions:
- Volunteer of Resident Support at The Woodlands in Stowe
- Copley Information Desk Guide & Greeter
- Nutritional Services Cafe & Kitchen Support
- OR Administrative Support
If any of our current open volunteer positions sound like something that interests you, please fill out the volunteer application link below or reach out to our Manager of Volunteer Services, Samantha Diaz, at SDiaz@CHSI.org
You Can Make a Difference
Copley Hospital offers a variety of ways for volunteers to make a difference. Opportunities range from:
- welcoming and assisting patients and visitors at the Information Desk
- working at Second Chance Thrift Store
- be a home knitter and warm hats & accessories for our newborns
- clerical support
- be a caring presence to our patients, reading or chatting with them
Copley’s Junior Summer Volunteer Program
Thank you for your generosity in your consideration of joining Copley’s 2024 Summer Junior Volunteer Program. Participants in this year’s program will start at Copley on Tuesday, June 25with a volunteer orientation. This program aims to provide students with a unique opportunity to gain work experience in a hospital environment while exploring careers in the medical field and earning hours toward community service goals.
Eligible participants must be entering their junior or senior of high school and are able to commit to the full 7 weeks of the program with an opportunity to extend into the 2024 school year if desired. Strong applicants for our summer program should be eager to learn about our healthcare system while being reliable, committed and engaged as volunteers learn from these new experiences.
Program Overview
Copley will be hosting intermittent lectures delivered by various Copley professionals. These lectures are designed to help our volunteers learn the inner workings of our hospital and to better understand how we all play a part in helping each other and our thriving community. The program will conclude at the end of 6 weeks on Friday, August 4thth with a final celebration of the program’s completion.
What areas are currently in need of Junior Volunteers?
Volunteers can assist in a variety of areas. Some sample roles for our Junior Volunteers include roles with our information desk team, food services, hospital library/entertainment cart and various opportunities through Copley’s Orthopedic division as well as our independent living facilities. Please note that all Junior Summer Volunteer opportunities at our hospital location are only available in our outpatient areas.
All volunteer assistance is valuable, whether greeting or escorting patients and visitors, delivering materials, passing out snacks or stocking supplies. Our department staff, as well as our patients and visitors, appreciate the commitment and help all our volunteers provide.
What kind of time commitment is required?
Each volunteer participant is required to complete a recurring, three-four hour volunteer shift each week during the six weeks of the program. If you have a vacation planned within the program’s duration, you must note on your application the dates and times you will be away.
Applications are due by Monday, May 20. Interviews will follow if an applicant is selected to meet with the volunteer management team. Interviews are typically 30 minutes in length and will be held at Copley Hospital.
If selected for the summer program, participants will be required to report their immunizations to Copley’s Occupational Health team. Participants must be considered cleared by our clinic by Monday, June 12 to participate in the summer program.
- May 20 Application due
- June 10 Medical clearance deadline
- June 25 Junior Volunteer orientation
- August 9 Completion event for 2024 Junior Volunteers
We know that you and your guardians may have additional questions and we encourage you to reach out to our Manager of Volunteer Services, Samantha Diaz, if you need anything answered. Please email Samantha at SDiaz@CHSI.org
Please visit www.copleyvt.org and follow the link to apply to our Junior Volunteer Program.
All students will receive credit for the hours they contribute throughout the summer program and any additional hours if they choose to stay on as a permanent volunteer. Documentation of hours may be reported on student’s resumes or applications for further education endeavors. A letter of reference will gladly be given to those students that complete the program from Copley’s Manager of Volunteer Services.
Meet Dave Peters
Copley Ambassador and Volunteer
After several careers and service in the US Navy, Dave Peters retired in 1994. Now he assists nearly everyone who walks through Copley Hospital’s front door. “Retirement was boring,” he said. “And it wasn’t long before I started looking for new volunteer opportunities. I got involved in court diversion programs and I was a Guardian Ad Litem – both very satisfying opportunities. I was a Bingo caller for the Lake Elmore Association for almost 25 years, a position that earned me the nickname ‘Uncle Dave’ among scores of summer kids and campers. And then there was Copley Hospital.”
“Twenty years ago,” he continued, “I had a stent put in and I immediately entered Copley’s Cardiac Rehab Program – a program I still take advantage of. Ten years later I had a quadruple bypass operation. I’ve had surgeries, lab work, radiology work, pretty much the whole gamut of services at this place. I had a seizure once, and though I don’t remember it, I am told I was treated very professionally. Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate what an amazing, unique and wonderful place Copley Hospital is. And I wanted to give something back to it. When you get to my age,” he said, ”it’s so important to have a sense of purpose. Copley gives me that sense of purpose, and I like to think I’m making a difference in people’s lives, even if it’s only accompanying them on their walk to or from a doctor’s appointment.”

Copley Hospital Auxiliary
The Copley Hospital Auxiliary is made up of volunteers that donate their time at the hospital and staff the Second Chance Thrift Store located on Brigham St. in Morrisville, and the Gift Shop located in the main lobby of the hospital.
Proceeds from Second Chance and annual bake sales and events are donated by the Auxiliary to Copley Hospital. In the past, the Auxiliary has helped purchase needed medical equipment, renovate patient care rooms, and supported facility upgrades.
How can $10 build a healthier community? Become a member of Copley Hospital Auxiliary today.
For the cost of a mocha latte grande, or a movie ticket, a $10 membership to the Copley Hospital Auxiliary can help provide:
- support for newborns and families
- life-saving medical equipment
The Copley Hospital Auxiliary’s mission is to provide funds and volunteers to support the critical work of Copley Hospital. More recently, gifts have help build the James and Mary Louise Carpenter Surgical Center, MRI Suite, purchased defibrillators, and upgraded patient rooms for our community hospital.
Learn how building a healthier community is a better deal for us all. For information on how to become a member contact Jill Baker at 802-888-8302 or jbaker@chsi.org.
History of the Copley Auxiliary
The Copley Hospital Auxiliary began in 1933, shortly after the opening of the hospital in 1932. Initially, the Auxiliary organized committees in various towns to run drives for members and gather supplies for the hospital. The group was open to families and included men, women and children. Dues were $0.50. The women members would take home sheets and johnnies, etc. for mending. In 1935, the nurses’ dormitory was completed and the Auxiliary took over the third floor for their work efforts and held meetings every Friday. To raise money for the hospital, the Auxiliary members put on suppers, ran tag sales and sponsored card parties.
During WWII, the shortage of nurses led to volunteers being used to care for patients, giving them baths, providing water and bringing them mail. These volunteers were called the “Gray Ladies.”
In 1948, member dues were raised to $1.00 and in 1950 the Gift Shop was started. The volunteers worked very hard and long hours. In 1961, 2,529 johnnies, surgeons’ gowns, diapers and bandages were made or mended.
In 1964, the Auxiliary incorporated as a non-profit with officers and a 16 member board. Among the cash donations they gave the hospital, it went towards a new stove, to buy linens and contributed toward the purchase of an X-Ray machine. In 1968, the Auxiliary took over the duties of the Gray Ladies and continued to raise money but also handled distribution of patient meals along with reading materials and flowers. They even entertained children of patients.
In 1978, the Second Chance Thrift Shop was established and it still occupies what is reputedly the oldest house still standing in Morrisville. Through the generosity of Union Bank, which owns the property, Second Chance Thrift Shop pays no rent. Second Chance is now the principal source of Auxiliary funds.
The Auxiliary welcomes new members, young and old of every gender and surrounding communities. Dues are $10.00/annually and their cause remains tried and true in support of Copley Hospital.
Copley Hospital Board of Trustees
Copley is governed by a volunteer, 18 member Board of Trustees who live or work in Copley’s service area. One member is the President of the Medical Staff. Each Trustee provides professional expertise pertinent to the governing of a community non-profit organization.
For Information on Volunteering at Copley
Contact Samantha Diaz, Manager of Volunteer Service at 802-521-5246 or email sdiaz@chsi.org.