Planned Giving
In 1932, our community was given an important gift – Copley Hospital. The gift was given by Alexander Hamilton Copley. Thanks to the generosity of Mr. Copley and many others since, our hospital has served hundreds of thousands of patients through the years.
Planned gifts, also called deferred gifts, enable you to make gifts in ways that complement your financial goals. Most importantly, planned gifts ensure Copley will continue to serve future generations.
Like Mr. Copley, your gift can have an impact for generations to come – with a bequest in your will, naming Copley as a beneficiary of your IRA or another type of planned gift. This type of gift may also help you save taxes.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
-Winston Churchill
Ways to Give
You can leave a lasting legacy by naming Copley as a beneficiary in your will. A simple sentence is all it takes.
A will is the legal expression of your wishes for the disposition of your property to take effect at death. Beneficiaries (the heirs who receive the bequests) are the individuals and organizations especially important to you. Whether for the entire estate, or any portion of the estate, a fixed amount or a percentage of total assets, bequests are easy to make.
Here is some sample bequest language for use by potential donors and their attorneys:
Unrestricted Bequest
“I hereby give and bequeath _______ percent (_____%) of my estate /or/______________ dollars ($________) /or/ the residue of my estate] to Copley Hospital, a Vermont charitable corporation, E.I.N. # 03-0301457, with an address of 528 Washington Highway, Morrisville, VT, 05661, to be used for its general purposes.”
Restricted Bequest*
“I hereby give and bequeath _______ percent (_____%) of my estate /or/______________ dollars ($________) /or/ the residue of my estate] to Copley Hospital, a charitable corporation, E.I.N. # 03-0301457, with an address of 528 Washington Highway, Morrisville, VT 05661, with a preference for use for [specific purpose, program, department]. If at any time, in the judgment of the trustees of the organization, it is impossible or impracticable to carry out the designated purpose, then they shall determine an alternative purpose as near as possible to the donor’s original intent.”
*If you intend a restricted bequest, it is recommended that you contact Copley’s Development Office at 802.888.8301, prior to executing your will so that we can help ensure that your intentions will be fulfilled.
Please let us know if you do include Copley in your will, trust, or estate plan. We would appreciate the opportunity to express our gratitude to you during your lifetime.
Naming Copley as a Beneficiary on Your Retirement Plan or Life Insurance Policy
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Remainder Trusts
We encourage anyone wishing to donate in the form of trusts, life insurance, bequests, etc. to obtain professional counsel before making a gift.
Copley’s Legacy Circle
Copley’s Legacy Circle recognizes supporters who have provided for Copley Hospital in their will or other planned gift.
Once you have provided for your loved ones, we hope you will consider a bequest or planned gift to provide for Copley Hospital and become a legacy donor.
For more information about planned giving, please contact our Development and Marketing Office at 802-888-8301 or email